Sunday, November 30, 2008

Teaching Science in an Equitable Fashion

One goal every teacher has is to be able to teach their students in an equitable fashion. I have always had the assumption that being colorblind as a teacher would be a good thing. It is a nice thought but it makes it difficult to reach the students. I never really understood that it can take away from the students' individuality. We should be more accepting to other cultures and use experience from other cultures to enhance our lessons. Showing a genuine interest in the student's culture will help them feel more comfortable in class. Being "colorblind" and not acknowleging other cultures is ineffetive in reaching students in a diverse population since it can hint to an ethnocentric point of view.

I feel like this chapter really sums up the important keys to teaching science. Things like working with process skills and learning what science really is are important. I also really agree that inquiry based learning is an important method to learning science. "Real Science" and research is typically done through an inquiry process anyway so it can give them experience in what it's like to do research themselves.

It may be difficult for teachers to come up with good equitable science lessons that utilize process skills and inquiry, but it is crucial that we try. In order to show an interest in the various cultures the students bring to a class why not ask them about thier culture. It would be interesting to learn more about other cultures and how they interpret topics in science. Even just asking them how to say something in a different language could help them include their culture in the lessons.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Discovering How Kids View Science

Since I am a secondary major I have had limited experience with students in the primary grades. I have worked with 4th graders in Glastonbury which not only was a completely different setting but did not have any experience in finding out how they understand science. Both of the students told me that so far this year they learned about waves, water currents and mixing hot and cold water. Neither of them have tried science experiments at home on their own but one did show interest in doing so. The experiment I conducted with them involved rolling a metal ball down a ramp and colliding with another ball.

When I asked them what they think happens in a collision the student said that the two things either collapse and don't move or they go in opposite directions. This student briefly just explained elastic and inelastic collisions. By saying that they can go in opposite directions also shows he could probably understand that the forces in the collision are acting in opposite directions. I was very surprised to hear him explain this. The second student I interviewed said that when the marbles collide they will "stick together". When she conducted the demonstration she witnessed the other type of collision instead. I asked her why she thought the metal balls did not stick together and she said it was because they are not made of the same material. She then told me that "when they hit each other they have opposite ways". As far as I can tell they are made of the same material but she must have associated this idea with some things that mix with the same material but not others like water and oil.

The second thing we looked at was whether or not the size of the marbles made a difference. When the large marble was going to collide with the smaller one the first student predicted that "it will hit harder cuz the big one has more weight". The second student had a similar response involving the larger marble's weight. The first student then wanted to find out more about moving things like "flying cars" and "hoverboards"(skateboards that fly like in Back to the Future II). The other student showed interest in the center of the Earth and what is in the core. From this visit I can tell that these kids were thinking about science and trying to explain the events they see with some kind of rational. They both made predictions, conducted the experiment, made observations and came up with explanations for what they saw. I was very impressed with the level of understanding and comprehension both of the students had.